30 Lessons Drawn from the Miracles of Jesus – #26

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Miracle of His Resurrection (Matthew 28:1-6): The Divinity of Jesus


The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the greatest miracle of all time and at the hub of Christianity—the only religion whose founder died by choice and rose again. There are so many lessons to be learned from the resurrection of Jesus Christ but we are only going to look at a few of them over the next few posts. The first lesson we’re starting with is that the resurrection of Jesus reveals that He is indeed God.

It is very unnatural for someone to die and rise again unless, of course, they are supernatural. Jesus is such. He said, “The reason my Father loves me is that I lay down my life–only to take it up again. No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have [the] authority to lay it down and [the] authority to take it up again…”—John 10:17-18, NIV. Only God can make such bold statements. When He was in the world, Jesus told His disciples, on several occasions, that He would die and rise again. And He did just that. And the beauty of it is that He did not die helplessly, rather, He let Himself be killed, and then He rose again.


Now, there are numerous evidence to show that Jesus really died and rose again—you can just google it on your own if you doubt that—but that is not the purpose of this particular post. Here, I am only showing you one of the lessons to be learned from the miracles of Jesus, which is, that Jesus is God! He can be your own God too if you let Him. 🙂

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I was around 5 when, I am strongly convinced, I first heard the distinct voice of God. But, not until I was 11 (2002) did I have a personal encounter with Him. I was in my room that night, about to pray before bed, when I saw a revelation of how filthy my heart was. I didn't argue with God that I was too young to have such amount of filth ('cause I believed I was a 'good boy,' by human standards, at least). I simply cried uncontrollably in brokenness of heart - "The sacrifice you desire is a broken spirit. You will not reject a broken and repentant heart, O God" (Psalm 51:17) - and He didn't.

Still crying uncontrollably, I left my room and went to the living room, where my parents were watching the nightly news on TV. After I managed to tell them about the revelation I saw, my sweet mum took me to her room and led me to Christ. I got saved that night. And 6 years later, I discovered my purpose and assignment on earth, which is raising up men and women to be godly, and teaching them the simplicity of Christianity. More than a decade later, I am still fulfilling that purpose to His glory. Hallelujah!

Author: Somto Ufondu

I was around 5 when, I am strongly convinced, I first heard the distinct voice of God. But, not until I was 11 (2002) did I have a personal encounter with Him. I was in my room that night, about to pray before bed, when I saw a revelation of how filthy my heart was. I didn't argue with God that I was too young to have such amount of filth ('cause I believed I was a 'good boy,' by human standards, at least). I simply cried uncontrollably in brokenness of heart - "The sacrifice you desire is a broken spirit. You will not reject a broken and repentant heart, O God" (Psalm 51:17) - and He didn't.

Still crying uncontrollably, I left my room and went to the living room, where my parents were watching the nightly news on TV. After I managed to tell them about the revelation I saw, my sweet mum took me to her room and led me to Christ. I got saved that night. And 6 years later, I discovered my purpose and assignment on earth, which is raising up men and women to be godly, and teaching them the simplicity of Christianity. More than a decade later, I am still fulfilling that purpose to His glory. Hallelujah!

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