What does it mean to Repent?
The most common translation of the word “repent” is to “turn” or “return”. That is, turning from evil and returning to good. The English dictionary defines repentance, as a condition of being penitent or a feeling of regret or remorse for doing something wrong.
Repentance is not merely asking God for forgiveness, just because we know that God is always willing; and ready to forgive us. (His words in Isaiah 65:2, says, “I have always been ready to welcome my people, who stubbornly do what is wrong and go on their own way,” confirms this.) Repentance here is, first, acknowledging that you have done something wrong, feeling remorseful about it, asking for forgiveness, and doing your best not to repeat that sin again. That, my friends, is true repentance.
Many Christians have developed the habit of hiding under the grace and love that God has for us in order to continue in their unrighteous ways. You hear words like, “God loves us, and love covers a multitude of sins,” (1 Peter 4:8) or the popular verse that says,“God’s grace is sufficient for us” (2 Corinthians 12:9). Why do we quote only the part of the Bible we feel is convenient for us? Sin is sin, and Love is Love, it is quite plain and simple. That God has immense love for his children does not give us the liberty to sin. Love certainly does not mean ignoring sin and not noticing them at all. The Bible tells us in Psalms 103:11-12, that,“for as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is His Loving-kindness towards those who fear him. As far as the east is from the west so far has He removed our transgressions from us.”
The point is, if truly you fear God, you will avoid sin and when you do sin, you will be remorseful, and plead for mercy.
It can be said that the idea of grace forms the greatest expression of God’s love because of what it encompasses. Grace brings love, while properly accounting for justice; and because God is equal parts of love and justice, that is why sin separates us from Him. So, to speak only of, or solely introduce God as love, is being a biased Christian that sees God only for the benefits he brings us- Romans 6:1.
Genuine repentance always follows a new life and personality. When God forgives, He restores all things, that is why He said in 2 Corinthians 5:17, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; old things are passed away, behold all things are become new.” To actually be in Christ is to be like Christ. To be like Christ means avoiding sin and striving to be holy, for without holiness, no man shall see God. -Hebrews 12:14.
What Do We Stand to Gain When We Repent of Our Sins?
Freedom from sin and guilt.
Freedom from every form of regret.
A clean conscience.
Gives you confidence to call on God, knowing you are right with Him.
Joy and peace in your heart.
Gives you a second chance to do better.
Open heavens, answers to prayers and blessings from God.
Stay blessed.
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All my life I've always had this feeling that there's more to the life I am living, I was struggling so much, trying to find a meaning, a purpose to my existence.
Often times I ended up shoving this feeling aside or redirecting it to what I could justify. But like the Bible said "There's a way that seemeth right to a man but the end there of is destruction, " Proverbs 14 :12, Kjv.
I understood the harsh reality of life when I lost a dear one. I was broken but also remoulded. I began to see life on another perspective . I have come to understand what I had been feeling and how to channel it. Though I am still struggling with the recent realization, I am grateful to God that I am no longer so blind.
With the help of my mentor, Somto Ufondu and my sister in-law, Mrs Ngozi Nnamani, who encouraged and prayed for and with me, I have been able to reach some limits I never knew I was capable of. To the glory of God, my life has changed and by his infinite mercies, so will yours. Glory to God!